Who is Daphne Eleanor Iking?. ..Through some researches;
Daphne initially wanted to take up medicine. Thanks to her mother’s hunch, she changed her degree choice to Communications and has not looked back. While completing her Master Degree in Screen Studies at USM, she applied for a job as a journalist at TV3 back in 2003. 2 months later, she was given the opportunity to host a personal finance program Ringgit Sense.A few months later, she received an offer to host reality gameshow, Explorace (TV3).
After 2 seasons of running around in the wilderness, Daphne yearned to go back to production. She went back to financial reporting when she hosted the PNB World Investment Challenge (TV3). Being a gunners fan, she jumped at the opportunity to host Vector Challenge (8TV), a football reality show early 2005.Being more comfortable presenting in English, Daphne took up the dare of hosting in both English & Malay for the May/Antabax Health & Beauty Capsules (TV3). This led her to do more reporting in one of TV3’s highest rated programmes, Majalah Tiga.
Soon after, she took the challenge of hosting Wanita Hari Ini (TV3) LIVE in malay- a language she was not completely fluent with.End 2005, an opportunity to host as well as write the script for the travelogue, MY Australian Adventure (TV3 & 8TV) popped by together with an offer to act on 8TV’s KL Lights- her first acting debut. On January 2006, Daphne was promoted and transferred from TV3 to work as the Assistant Producer and Presenter of The Breakfast Show on ntv7.
Since then, she has anchored another season of MY Australian Adventure 2 and got hitched! Now a freelance presenter, Daphne continues her hosting stint on The Breakfast Show and MyStarz LG (TV3 & ntv7) having just completed her first tele-movie with Double Vision and another reality show, Celebrity Cookout (ntv7). She has also been asked to contribute in Air Asia's in flight magazine!
Her plans for the near future includes going back to school, (there’s always room for improvement she claims!) going theatrical, spinning music and taking on the role as a first time mother.